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  1. Download loaf_realtor from keymaster
  2. Download & install all the dependencies. Make sure to follow the instructions for each dependency
  3. Unzip loaf_realtor & add it to your resources folder
  4. Run realtor.sql
  5. Go to loaf_housing/shared/config.lua and set enabled to true in the Realtor table, line 108 by default
  6. Go to loaf_realtor/shared/config.lua and set framework to your framework (esx or qb)
  7. Add ensure loaf_realtor. You do not need to ensure loaf_housing or loaf_billing.

ESX Only

  1. Run esx.lua

QBCore Only

  1. Go to qb-core/shared/jobs.lua and add the following:

    ["rea"] = {
    label = "Real estate agent",
    defaultDuty = true,
    offDutyPay = false,
    grades = {
    ["0"] = {
    name = "Trainee",
    payment = 75
    ["1"] = {
    name = "Agent",
    payment = 100
    ["2"] = {
    name = "Manager",
    payment = 150
    ["3"] = {
    name = "Boss",
    payment = 200,
    isboss = true
  2. If you use qb-bossmenu instead of qb-management, go to qb-bossmenu/config.lua and add the following: ["rea"] = vector3(8000.0, 0.0, -1000.0),. Then, go to qb-bossmenu/accounts.json and add the following: "rea":0
